Zena is a full time case officer, wife and mother to 4 furry animals, one beautiful angel called Chloe and her rainbow baby who is earth side, Anakin.
Chloe was a very wanted pregnancy but In December 2015 at her 20 week fetal morphology scan she was told that her daughter was incompatible with life as she had Spina Bifida and severe fluid on her brain (amongst other things) which meant her life expectancy was slim. It was with this information that her and her husband had to make a decision to continue with the pregnancy or not and at 21 weeks she had a medical termination “We decided to take the pain now so Chloe does not have to”.
This journey has been hard but she says that she has met some strong women and made friendships with people from across the world and in all different situations. She’s on a mission to not let Chloe’s memory disappear and is helping as much as she can.
She says “if we can raise awareness we will then create more supportive environments as well as friends and family and hopefully one day we won’t need to suffer in silence and feel so alone”.