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High risk pregnancy support service

Trivia Night with a touch of movie glamour

6.30pm for a 7pm start (til -10pm), 13 October 2018
The Brookwater Golf Club – 

Who will be the ultimate champion?   Join us for a fun filled night of trivia whilst enjoying a delicious 2-course dinner and raising funds for Harrison’s Little Wings. Bring along friends, family, co- workers for the battle of trivia.   It’s time to settle the score to work out who retains the most knowledge of useless facts, from politics to the latest music. <

All tickets must be pre-purchased.
Book a table (8-10 people), name your table after a movie and go all out, dressing to that theme.  There will be a prize for the most creative table.

Or buy a seat for $60 per person. You are also welcome to come solo or with a friend and the team at Harrison’s Little Wings will allocate you a table. We will advise you of your table movie name so that you can dress up and join in on the fun.

You are welcome to pay via bank transfer.

  • Account Name – Harrisons Little Wings
  • BSB Number – 064184
  • Account Number – 10696205

Include your name as a reference, and if you would like to sit with other people attending please message Harrison’s Little Wings FB page or email Melanie at

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